7.9 Completed Action
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When a task has been completed during a space of time, the preposition “på” is used.

  på  Jeg leste boka to dager. (I read (finished) the book in two days; it took two days to finish reading the entire book.)
Jeg skrev ferdig eksamen én time. (I wrote (completed) the exam in one hour.; it took two hours to finish writing the exam.)
Vi vasket hele huset to timer. (We cleaned the whole house in two hours; it took two hours to finish cleaning.)


Notice the difference in meaning between these examples:

Jeg leste boka i to timer. — This means that you read the book for two hours, but did not finish it.
Jeg leste boka timer.  — This means that you completed reading the entire book, and it took you two hours to do so.




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