2.19 Transition Words
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Some adverbs are transition words that are used to connect individual sentences or larger portions of the text together.  These adverbs modify the entire sentence rather than any individual words.




 derfor (therefore) Det var varmt ute.  Derfor dro hun på båttur.
(It was warm outside.  Therefore, she went on a boat trip.) 
 likevel (nevertheless)  Hun løper ofte.  Likevel var hun sliten etter fotturen.
(She runs often. Nevertheless, she was tired after the hike.)
imidlertid (however)  USA er et rikt land.  Det er imidlertid mange fattige barn der.
(The US is a rich country.  There are, however, many poor children there.)
 ellers (otherwise)  Alt var så dyrt.  Ellers likte han seg godt i Norge.
(Everything was so expensive. Otherwise, he liked it a lot in Norway.)
 dessuten (in addition)  Hun liker å tegne.  Dessuten er hun flink til å strikke.
(She likes to draw.  In addition, she is good at knitting.)

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