8.5 Infinitive Marker with Preposition
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The infinitive marker “å (to)” and the infinitive form of the verb is often used after prepositions in idiomatic phrases and functions as the object of the preposition.  Notice that in English we often translate these with the verb in the -ing form (present participle) rather than as an infinitive (to ___).


Preposition + infinitive marker


Jeg har lyst til å jogge. I want (have desire) to jog.
Jeg er redd for å kjøre bil. I am afraid to drive a car.
Jeg har tid til å trene i dag. I have time to work out today.
Jeg er flink til å snakke norsk. I am good at speaking Norwegian.
Jeg er interessert i å reise. I am interested in traveling.
Jeg er lei av å arbeide. I am tired of working.

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