2.3 More Adverbs of Manner
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There are several adjectives in Norwegian that cannot take the neuter –t ending.   Some examples are adjectives that end in –ig, such as “deilig,” and adjectives that end in –t, such as “sint.”  When these adjectives are used as adverbs, they will occur in the base form, without a –t ending.



Adverbs of Manner

Huset var nydelig(The house was beautiful.) Damen sang nydelig(The woman sang beautifully.)
Barnet var høflig(The child was polite.) Han svarte høflig(He answered politely.)
Mannen var sint(The man was angry.) Han så sint på meg. (He looked angrily at me.)
Kampen var bra. (The game was good.) Laget spilte bra(The team played well.)

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