9.21 Som, at

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“Som” and “at” are two subjunctions that English speakers often confuse.  

At” connects two clauses and often follows a verb:  “tror at…    håper at…”

Jeg håper at han kommer i morgen.
Han sier at han liker deg.

Som”  connects a noun or pronoun with more information about the noun or pronoun.  “Som” generally follows a noun or a pronoun.

Jeg har en venn som heter Åge.  (I have a friend who is called Åge.  Connects “venn” with the information that his name is Åge.)
Han har ei hytte som ligger i Telemark. (He has a cabin that lies in Telemark.)
Jeg har en venn som bor i England.  (I have a friend who lives in England.)
Jeg er syk, som betyr at jeg ikke kan dra på fisketur.  (I am sick, which means I can’t go on a fishing trip.)
Det var Erik (som) du snakket med.  (It was Erik that you talked to.)

When “som” does not serve as the subject of the clause (as in the last example), it can be omitted.

NB!  Hvem cannot be used in this context!

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