Future time can be expressed in several different ways in Norwegian.
- The modal auxiliary “skal” plus the infinitive form of the verb is used when expressing an action in the future which someone has planned.
Example: Jeg skal spise lunsj med Tom. (I am going to eat lunch with Tom.)
- The present tense form of the verb can express future when it is combined with a time expression.
Example: Jeg har en prøve på fredag. (I have a test on Friday.)
- The present tense form of the verb can also express future when the verbs are describing a change
begynne (begin) | slutte (end) | bli (become) | dra (leave) |
reise (travel) | flytte (move) | komme (come) | få (get) |
Jeg begynner i ny jobb. | Jeg slutter på skolen. | Det blir fint vær |
Jeg drar snart. | Jeg reiser på ferie. | Jeg kommer hjem. |
Jeg får hjelp. | Jeg flytter fra Oslo til Ålesund. |