8.2 Infinitive
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The infinitive form of the verb is the dictionary form and cannot be used as the finite verb of the sentence by itself.  Infinitives end in an unstressed -e or a stressed vowel.

Examples:  arbeide (work);  spille (play);  gå (go);  ha (have)


This is a list of common verbs in the infinitive form which could be used to describe identity, work/school or interest, and learning Norwegian.

 være (be)  hete (be named)  ha (have)  bo (live)
 like (like)  arbeide (work)  studere (study)   (go)
 spille (play)  slappe av (relax)  spise (eat)  drikke (drink)
 lære (learn)  snakke (speak)  lytte (listen)  skrive (write)
 lese (read/study)  forstå (understand)  spørre (ask)  gjøre (do)

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