Brødre i blodet, kapittel 3

Vokabular. Before reading, familiarize yourself with the essential vocabulary by using the Quizlet flashcards. Turn your volume on so you can also hear the pronunciation of the words. Also use the quiz function of Quizlet to quiz yourself on the most essential vocabulary before you move on.  When you use Quizlet for the first time you will need to click on the “options” button, selecting “show Norwegian first” and then the “advanced audio options” to select “Norwegian audio on” and “English audio off.”  You also have the option of starring the words and expressions you have trouble with and studying those separately (click on “options to study starred words only).  Finally there are additional study modes and games you can use.

Oppsummering.  Read carefully the summary of the chapter before you begin reading.

Forståelse og mens du leser. Once you have basic understanding of the vocabulary, read the section and answer the questions in the next two tabs. Listen to the audio recordings, if you have access to these.

Etterpå. Complete the post-reading exercise.




Kapittel 3 starter med at Elling og Kjell Bjarne er på restaurant for å spise middag. De bestiller flesk og duppe, og er veldig stolte av at de har dratt ut alene. Mens de er på restauranten, må Elling på do, og går alene på do. Etterpå er Elling er veldig stolt av seg selv fordi han har klart å gå ut blant folk med Kjell Bjarne, og at han gikk på en offentlig do på restauranten alene.

Look up Edvard Munchs “Aften på Karl Johan.” How does Elling analyze it? How does he see himself?

Visit Larsen restaurants website ( Find it on Google maps. Look at the menu. When do they serve flesk og duppe? Do they have brun lapskaus on the menu? What do they charge? Look up “flesk og duppe” and “brun lapskaus” on   What other traditional dishes do they list? Which ones have you tried? Pick one traditional food to tell about in class.