Del 8

Del 9 red.arrow

Kurt Quo Vadis, section 8

Pre-Reading. Before reading the first section of Kurt Quo Vadis, familiarize yourself with the essential vocabulary by using the Quizlet flashcards. Turn your volume on so you can also hear the pronunciation of the words.

Vocabulary. Next, quiz yourself on the most essential vocabulary before you move on.

Order, Reading, Grammar and Listening. Once you have basic understanding of the vocabulary, start reading the section and answering the questions in the next four tabs.

Post-Reading. Complete the post-reading exercise.

Depending on which version of the book you have, these are the page numbers: KQV 8 s. 65-74 / 171-180

Post-Reading. Complete the exercises below.

Skriv en av de følgende (Write one of the following).  Skriv minst 150 ord.

Skriv en rapport.  

Write a daily report from either Kurt or Bud’s perspective of their events at the hospital.  It should be directed to their manager as to what they accomplished their first day at work.

Skriv en dialog.  

Write a dialog between the ‘sjefsdoktoren’ who hires Kurt and Bud and one of her co-workers. Why did he hire them?  What does he think of them? red.arrow