8.13 Present Perfect Tense
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Verbs in the present perfect tense consist of the helping verb “har (have)” + the perfect participle.  They usually describe actions that occurred at an unspecified time in the past and actions that started in the past and are still continuing.


Use of Present Perfect Tense


Actions that occurred at an unspecified time in the past Jeg har studert i Norge.
(I have studied in Norway.)
Actions that started in the past and are still continuing Jeg har studert norsk i ett år.
(I have studied Norwegian for one year.)
Actions that started in the past and have just been completed Jeg har nettopp spist lunsj.
(I have just eaten lunch.)
 Actions that must be completed in the future before another action can occur Når jeg har gjort leksene, skal jeg jogge.
(When I have done my homework, I am going to jog.)

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