9.20 Subjunctions (Subordinating Conjunctions)

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Subjunctions (which include subordinating conjunctions, as well as other words) are words that begin dependent clauses or leddsetninger (clauses which cannot stand alone).  A dependent clause has to be paired with an independent clause in order to be a complete sentence.  While there are many subjunctions, including all of the interrogatives, here are several commonly used ones.




hvis (if) Jeg skal dra hjem hvis det regner i dag.
når (when) Jeg skal spise når jeg kommer hjem.
mens (while) Jeg hører på musikk mens jeg leser.
fordi (because) Jeg lærer norsk fordi jeg har slektninger i Norge.
selv om (even though) Jeg liker å være student selv om det er mye arbeid.
at (that) Jeg tror at det er mye arbeid.


There is normal subject-verb word order in both clauses if the independent clause comes first, followed by the subjunction and the dependent clause (leddsetning)

Independent Clause

Dependent Clause /

Jeg skal dra hjem hvis det regner i dag.
Jeg skal spise når jeg kommer hjem.


However, if the subjunction and the dependent clause begin the sentence, then there is inversion of the subject and the verb in the independent clause which follows. NB!  There is always a comma after the dependent clause when that is first in the sentence.


Dependent Clause /

Independent Clause

Hvis det regner i dag, skal jeg dra hjem.
Når jeg kommer hjem, skal jeg spise.

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