3.12 Quantity Words
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Mengdeord, or kvantorer, are words that indicate number or amount.  Some are actually adjectives that function as kvantorer.

For example:

mange flere  flest
færre  færrest
mye mer  mest
lite mindre  minst


Some are declined according to the gender and number of the noun:

noen = someone, somebody:  Det er noen som vil snakke med deg.  (There is someone who wants to talk to you.)

noe = something: Jeg vil ha noe å spise.  (I want something to eat.)

Noen and noe can also modify nouns, and can mean any or some:

Noen: used with masculine, feminine, and plural nouns.

Har du noen jobb?  (Do you have a job?)
Vi har noen pene skjorter. (We have some nice shirts.)

Noe: used with singular neuter nouns and with mass nouns.

Har du noe sted å bo?  (Do you have a place to live?)
Har du noe øl. (Do you have any beer?)
Har du noe mat i huset?  (Do you have any food in the house?)

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