2.4 Adverbs of Manner: Slik / Sånn
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“Slik” and “sånn” are two common words in Norwegian that can function as both adjectives and adverbs.  However, while they can take the regular endings as adjectives, they receive no ending when they are used as adverbs.  See the examples below.



Adverbs of Manner

slik (such, like that)
sånn (such, like that)
slik (like that, in that way)
sånn (like that, in that way)
Det var en slik dag.
Det var et slikt problem
Det var slike studenter.
Vi gjorde det slik. (We did it like that.)
Det var en sånn dag.
Det var et sånt problem.
Det var sånne studenter.
Han snakket sånn. (He spoke in that way.)

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